When I prepaired for my visit to Amsterdam on the 15th of August, I discovered that there was an exhibition in the Palace on the Dam about the first king of the Netherlands: Lodewijk Napoleon.
He was the brother of Napoleon Bonaparte.
My daughter and I decided to go to the Palace and visit the exhibition. Here you see a part of the Palace on the Dam.
It was build between 1648 and 1665 and used as Town Hall.
But later on they offered it to Lodewijk Napoleon as a Palace.
He only was 4 years king of the Netherlands.
By the exhibition you get a sight on that period.
This floor is very beautiful. You are not allowed to walk over it. But this particular hall was open to the ordinary people in the old days. It was very bussy when it was raining outside :)
And I loved the furniture. In the periode of Lodewijk Napoleon a wooden frame of a bench is bought for 150 guilders and the fabric for that same bench was 350 guilders. Can you imagine?
And I especially loved the heavy fabric of the curtains. It wasn't the original furnishing we saw, but I really loved to see it. And sometimes some rooms are used by very special guest of our Queen Beatrix! The furnishing inspired me to make this card.

I used a Hero Arts sketch as a guide.I tried to find patterns that match the feel of that what I saw in the Palace.
And take a look at the left side of my card: this is a home made embellisment, made by me!
Hope you like it!
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