Just back from our vacation in France. I want to share some pictures of an interesting little castle we visited : "Le Logis de la Chabotterie".

It has beautiful furnished rooms. As if someone in the old days just left the room.It offers insight into life in the countryside in the years before the Revolution.

There is a lovely garden.....

... and I espescially loved this well with the iron frame on it.

I can imagine the lady's in the old days walking here in the shadow.
Besides all the beautiful things you can see there, they also give a lot of information about the War of the Vendee and the arrest of General Charette in 1796. He was the leader of the farmers wich rebel against the rules of the new leaders of the Revolution. It costed a lot of lives. Knowing a tiny bit more about it is good and interesting, but also made me feeling sad. It can happen that you are at a lovely, lovely place, but in the same time feel grieve over things happened in history.